2021 Louis-Jeantet Symposium

The tenth Louis-Jeantet Symposium took place on Tuesday 12 October 2021 by Webinar.

This edition was organised by three Louis-Jeantet Prize Winners: Christine PETIT , Institut Pasteur, Paris; May-Britt MOSER, Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience, Trondheim and Botond ROSKA , IOB, Basel.

The Symposium has been accredited for 0,5 day of continuous education by the ASVC. To receive this certificate, please register on the ResAL website:  https://conference.unil.ch/resal/

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Exploring Functional Circuits of the Brain – Sensory Perception & External World Representation

8.55-9.00        Welcome

Session 1
9.00-9.30        Guillermina LOPEZ BENDITO Instituto de Neurociencias, Alicante, Spain

9.30-10.00      Botond ROSKA IOB, Basel, Switzerland

10.00-10.30    Sonja HOFER Sainsbury Welcome Centre, London, UK


11.00-11.30    Virginie VAN WASSENHOVE NeuroSpin, Gif-sur-Yvette, France

11.30-12.00    Brice BATHELLIER The Hearing Institute, Institut Pasteur, Paris, France


Session 2
13.30-14.00    Nathalie ROCHEFORT University of Edinburgh, UK

14.00-14.30    Georg KELLER Friedrich Miescher Institute, Basel, Switzerland

14.30-15.00    Flavio DONATO Biozentrum, Basel, Switzerland


15.30-16.00    Josh McDERMOTT MIT, Cambridge, USA

16.00-16.30    Massimo SCANZIANI UCSF, USA

Download the programme